Sunday, December 6, 2009


really, you choose what you want to celebrate.

some people think that since modern day Christmas is Christian oriented and commericalist, that is all there is to it.

It might now be named after Christ, but it wasn't always, especially before Christianity came to be.

Greenery, the evergreens symbolized new life, life that could last through the coldest winters up north... the Jul log, and many other traditions came from a need to have hope for the new year. This time of year used to be a bit scary because everything alive falls silent, and there was no guarantee for the new year to bring food, life, etc. Things weren't taken for granted. There was an urge for people to be together and have fun because they could, to generate warmth and light and life. To celebrate life, really. Fire was to represent the sun, and not only that, but to literally Be part of the sun... there are fires that never go out, and are constantly maintained and nourished, showing thanks. There was also thought to be actual sun in the evergreen needles and holly... the sun was/is life.

This among a billion other origins from around the world which happen around the sae time, because of the Solstice.

You can celebrate something and feel that beautiful feeling without going to Walmart and buying plastic toys for each other. And you can sing without Going To Church. You can see it as an excuse to be together.

I just get annoyed when people think Christmas is Bad because of a few overemphasized qualities.

I love it.

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