Friday, October 16, 2009


yeah, I am trying to reconnect my head with the rest of my body. that's why the writing is being more basic. I am (perhaps temporarily) letting go of overintellectualization too.

it's true, like Marion Woodman said, that when you live above your body, you can get a rush when you realize new things, ideas, even recognizing new spirits around you, new elements of life. but until it's you in your body recognizing it, it's just a temporary rush. Chris has told me over and over... "you don't NEED to think of that stuff s much". And it's true. I am not a better person for using my brain so much. why must I constantly try and surpass myself, whether spiritually, intellectually, or otherwise? can't I just grow truly and love freely with my whole self?

there is nothing to prov. in my soul, I am quiet. I am a quiet person. I do things quietly and diligently in my ideal life. twilight, pre-dawn... that is my spirit.

I think we are ocnditioned to be right at noon constantly. unchanging, unmoody.

the medicine wheel has a bunch to offer us all, methinks. change, wheeling around the center of nonchange. nature is change and nonchange at the same time.

I think it's raining, but not outside.

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